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Background Variables

General background information is gathered through a separate survey, which the households can update every month. Some of the questions in this survey concern the whole household, while others concern the individual household members. However, all questions of this survey are completed by the household contact person only.

The background variables include:

  • Number of persons in household 
  • Relationships between persons in household 
  • Gender, age, civil status, education level of each person in household 
  • Type of household 
  • Gross and net monthly income of each person in household 
  • Current main activity of each person in household 
  • Type of accommodation 
  • Degree of urbanization of place of residence 


You can view the Background Variables in the LISS data archive.

Close-up of miniature detached house on floor at home with happy family playing with little child in background. Mortgage, real estate business, buying property and confidence about future concepts

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